ミーシャ・ジーのインスタグラム(mishage8) - 12月12日 14時59分

2U - Justin Bieber feat David Guetta
by @アレクサンドラ・ステパノワ & @イワン・ブキン
“2U - A story of two young lovers, that fell in love with each-other, on the two sides of the mirror*.
( *Mirror - is a boundaries, distance, difficulties and misunderstanding in a couples relationship. )
With the flame from their heart, they break down that Mirror” for be together. They went through a lot, they fight through a lot, for the love to remain in their their hearts.
Some couples relationship might stay together, some couples relationship might not,
and some couples might split, but their heart remains with them.
In the end, The Mirror” had back between them, and it put their love on apart. Standing by different sides of it, they say to another : “Even if, will not be with you, my heart, will still do ❤️”


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