Wall Street Journalのインスタグラム(wsj) - 4月11日 00時28分

Tulsi Manjhi, pictured here with his daughter, recalls laying silently next to his wife, Gita Devi, on a khattiya, a cot made of bamboo and coconut fiber after she gave birth to her sixth child. Villagers recall her losing weight rapidly and say they couldn’t help because they didn’t have sufficient food either. “I was hungry too but she couldn’t even get up,” Mr. Manjhi recalls. “I tried to feed her jinghi (leaves from trees) once.” She died eight days after giving birth. An activist who advises India’s Supreme Court on food security issues deemed Gita Devi’s a starvation death. The Wall Street Journal’s India Real Time Blog this week is publishing a six-part series on starvation, showcasing the findings of an investigation by the Centre for Equity Studies. To read the second installment, visit: http://on.wsj.com/starving_in_india2. PHOTO CREDIT: Ashwin Parulkar for The Wall Street Journal. The picture was taken in the Banwara village in India in November 2011. #wsj #starvinginindia #india #starvation


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