REIのインスタグラム(rei) - 12月5日 05時08分

Despite more than 100 years of bipartisan work to protect this country’s parks, waters, mountains and forests, today the administration eliminated protections for millions of acres of national public lands. Show your solidarity by changing your profile pic to this We ❤️ Public Lands photo.

This is a blow for anyone who loves the outdoors, including the 7.6 million Americans who work in the outdoor industry. We are not alone in this view. Since April, 2.8 million Americans have spoken directly to the Department of the Interior to advocate for protecting our national monuments. These voices have fallen on deaf ears.
REI will not retreat from our strong belief that there is common ground in the outdoors. We’re asking everyone in our community to change their profile pic (link in bio) to this We ❤️ Public Lands photo to show that we’re still united, and that we’ll still work together, across party lines, to protect wild outdoor places.
Join us now.



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