サラ・ステージのインスタグラム(sarahstage) - 12月4日 08時32分

Life can be equally overwhelming and amazing with two little babes under three. I am slowly learning to let go and accept that not everything has to be perfect. If James doesn’t want to nap, oh well! If we don’t make it to a get together, we’ll make the next one! If I have to reheat my coffee three times, it still tastes fine. If clothes sit in the dryer for days at least they got dried. The little things don’t matter. Trying to be in the moment and get as many cuddles as i can in before , one day they don’t want to be cuddled? This mindset has been getting me through the past 6 weeks ?? SO shout out to the moms and dads who are doing their absolute best every day not only for their kids and spouses but for themselves !


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




