ジェイド・ニコルのインスタグラム(jaydenicole) - 12月3日 02時39分

Change is hard.Thinking one thing your entire life and then suddenly being told something completely different can lead you to be defensive, angry and confused. We were told we needed meat to be strong ??, we needed dairy to have healthy bones, we needed fish to have a healthy heart ?. These are all not true. There is a great deal of science behind this, look up the work by T. Colin Campbell and Caldwell B. Esselstyn to start. But to keep it simple, I am a living example. I have never eaten fish, yet my heart, skin and hair are all extremely strong and healthy. I haven’t eaten any meat in 26 years, but I am alive and active. My muscles are strong. It’s hard to accept new information, but if you want to live a long healthy life, it’s time you open your eyes. What we are doing is not sustainable. Start today. #GoVegan


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