タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 11月30日 06時14分

I choose to be happy. The idea of someone trying take your happiness is more real than you’ll ever know! Some people’s happiness lies in your demise! They’re hoping for your failure or using hateful tactics themselves in hopes of tearing you down. I’m encouraging every person reading this to not give ANYBODY that power! Your happiness is yours and if someone desires to take it fight for it with your life. I choose to be happy. I’m in Dallas tonight at the House Of Blues and the show is almost sold out! God is good and he keeps getting better! Stay focused! #Tank #Savage #RnBMoney #TheGeneral #SAVAGExTHESOULTOUR #SAVAGEALBUM #music
#singer #worldwide #tour #promo #media
? @twelvepastseven


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