Loads of you have asked about my training blogs recently so I thought I’d explain in one post. Firstly, this pic is 3 months old. I don’t look like this now. In all honesty since Stricly started both my training and my diet especially, have been neglected. I’m eating way more then usual, training way less then usual and sleeping & resting less then usual. The MAIN factors in maintaining your physique. So it pretty much puts me at the bottom of the pile when it comes to looking & feeling my best. I start my day at 4.30am for my radio show and get home at 8pm after rehearsals so i haven’t felt I’ve had the energy to do my gym work as well, or even prep my food. I’ve been lazy with meals and I haven’t weight trained in months. Of course dancing is exercise but its still at a lower intensity then what i normally do. Today I stepped on the scales @upfitnesslive and I’m up from 69kg to 75kg. That’s right. Almost a stone in 3 months. I’d be lying if I said a part of me isn’t enjoying the daily cakes, doughnuts, pizzas and chocolates ?but I’d also be lying if I said I could live on them daily long term. I can’t. And my body and skin are screaming for me to put down the sugar and pick up a vegetable! The Good news is I’m really happy right now and I’m loving the Strictly experience! So much! I really don’t want it to end. Aljaz is fantastic, I’m laughing everyday and also learning to dance! (Thank you again btw to everyone voting to keep us in this far. We’re so, so grateful) In 3 weeks time the show is finished for everyone ??? and to keep me sane and busy and to stop me missing everyone I’ll be throwing myself into another training program and blogging all the way with weekly pics, videos and updates again for those who want them. I’m lucky in that I know what to do, how to train and what / when to eat to get back to feeling my best both mentally & physically. I don’t half arse things when it comes to my training. I’m either 100% in or 100% out. I Hope that’s cleared up some questions for you all, and for anyone trying to get leaner or fitter use me as proof that you CANNOT out train a bad diet. Food is king so choose it wisely. And ps. Keeeeeeeeeep Dancing!!! ???

glouiseatkinsonさん(@glouiseatkinson)が投稿した動画 -

ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 11月30日 05時15分

Loads of you have asked about my training blogs recently so I thought I’d explain in one post. Firstly, this pic is 3 months old. I don’t look like this now. In all honesty since Stricly started both my training and my diet especially, have been neglected. I’m eating way more then usual, training way less then usual and sleeping & resting less then usual. The MAIN factors in maintaining your physique. So it pretty much puts me at the bottom of the pile when it comes to looking & feeling my best. I start my day at 4.30am for my radio show and get home at 8pm after rehearsals so i haven’t felt I’ve had the energy to do my gym work as well, or even prep my food. I’ve been lazy with meals and I haven’t weight trained in months. Of course dancing is exercise but its still at a lower intensity then what i normally do. Today I stepped on the scales @upfitnesslive and I’m up from 69kg to 75kg. That’s right. Almost a stone in 3 months. I’d be lying if I said a part of me isn’t enjoying the daily cakes, doughnuts, pizzas and chocolates ?but I’d also be lying if I said I could live on them daily long term. I can’t. And my body and skin are screaming for me to put down the sugar and pick up a vegetable! The Good news is I’m really happy right now and I’m loving the Strictly experience! So much! I really don’t want it to end. Aljaz is fantastic, I’m laughing everyday and also learning to dance! (Thank you again btw to everyone voting to keep us in this far. We’re so, so grateful)
In 3 weeks time the show is finished for everyone ??? and to keep me sane and busy and to stop me missing everyone I’ll be throwing myself into another training program and blogging all the way with weekly pics, videos and updates again for those who want them. I’m lucky in that I know what to do, how to train and what / when to eat to get back to feeling my best both mentally & physically. I don’t half arse things when it comes to my training. I’m either 100% in or 100% out.
I Hope that’s cleared up some questions for you all, and for anyone trying to get leaner or fitter use me as proof that you CANNOT out train a bad diet. Food is king so choose it wisely. And ps. Keeeeeeeeeep Dancing!!! ???


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