エレン・デジェネレスのインスタグラム(ellendegeneres) - 11月27日 11時15分

#Repost @ナショナルジオグラフィック ・・・
Photo by @FransLanting This is Mike, a young male chimp we got to know in the Fongoli region of southeast Senegal. We worked with him and his family for six weeks, following them on foot through their forest. There are less than 200 chimps left in Senegal and their future hangs in the balance, just like it does for all chimps in Africa. Habitat loss and the bushmeat trade are the major threats to their survival. As we gather together with our own families during this holiday season, let’s not forget our extended family on the great tree of life. We can all help chimps survive by supporting the individuals and the organizations that protect them and the forests they depend on. Check the links below for the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots, and @ナショナルジオグラフィック Explorer Jill Pruetz’s Neighbor Ape project in Senegal, which we support through GlobalGiving.org online. Follow me @FransLanting for more images and stories from our family tree. @janegoodallinst @world_wildlife @conservationorg #chimps #Africa #Senegal #wildlife #endangered #racingextinction #conservation


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