ジェニー・モレンのインスタグラム(jennymollen) - 11月26日 14時42分

Today I was struck w the profound realization that none of this shit lasts forever. When I first had Sid, I spent the first two years of his life feeling like I’d fallen off the deep end. The gravitas of being a mother was so unbearable that all I wanted to do was run. Not from him but from the weight of the responsibility. Whether it was putting him to bed, getting him out of diapers or simply teaching him not to grab our dogs by their tails I felt as though each obstacle would last forever.
Today I took Sid into a women’s clothing store and he didn’t have a total meltdown or try to destroy the place. In fact, he actually enjoyed himself and even insisted on trying on “something in his size”. This was a major win and also bitter sweet bc it was a true indicator that he’s growing up! Every waking second, he’s evolving. We’ve come so far in just 3.5 years it’s almost unbelievable. Watching him dance around @イザベルマラン and tell me that I should “wait on my sweater but that he was buying his” I promised myself that instead of fighting it, I’d try and enjoy each hurdle. I want to have every moment with him (even the brutal ones) because they go so fucking fast! (Ps. I didn’t buy him the sweater. But I’m not gonna lie, I came damn close...)

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