レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月21日 23時25分

So it’s safe to say we have now transitioned from the “smile at everyone all the time”-phase to the much more interesting “who the hell are you and why are you looking at me”-phase???? Life with Little Moon just keeps getting more and more fun! She is SO close to standing on her own now. Crawling all over the place and talking non-stop (mostly mamamamamamama and tatatatata with some true Mariah Carey-high notes thrown in the mix). We are struggling with keeping up with nursing (it’s like I’m trying to feed a tiny tornado) and keeping the shrieking to a minimum (she acts like she is being tortured when she doesn’t get what she wants)? She is full of fire, this one! Most determined little girl ever. I wonder where she gets that from...? And only 8 months old. Little angel. I can’t wait to see what toddler-hood is going to entail??? (oh and say hi to Lucy in the background!)? @loving.lealuna @penny_thegoat #lealuna #8months #sharkbaby #adventure #infinitelove


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