Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 11月21日 15時25分

An F&C woman for me is someone who is stylish, elegant but most of all confident. She carries herself in the best way she can. And she is someone who is simple but very detailed. How about you, how will you describe an F&C woman? Show us and you might be one of 2 winners of 3,000 worth of F&C gift certificates. .
Just post the best photo of yourself and write a caption about what makes you an F&C woman. Don’t forget to include the hashtags #CelebrateYouwithFNC #FNCxColeen and tag @fncjewelryph. Contest will run until November 30,2017. Announcement of winners will be on December 1, 2017. .
Looking forward to your entries :)


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