ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 11月20日 04時31分

Aaaaaaaand The Rock invited me to meet him, but now that he’s in front of me, I will become totally shy, smile and not say a word ??. This is my special guest @TeamMarik and his lovely mama, Kelii.
Marik has been placed on hospice care and fighting cancer like a real warrior and meeting me was on his bucket list.
We flew him out to hang with me on set so we could spend some time together.
I’ll share more with you guys about our visit later today.
And the funny part about teens, children and adults too becoming super shy and silent, is that the moment I leave, THEN they start talking lol!
What a day. What a kid. More to come.. #MarikAndRock #OnSet #BucketListFun


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