カミラ・カベロのインスタグラム(camila_cabello) - 11月19日 08時40分

right now, i am livid. i am angry. i am frustrated.
you have to be so arrogant to believe we can do whatever we want with this earth with no consequences. we don't have any more of a right to this planet than the other species on it. we are meant to share it with them and protect them. and if we don't care for the creatures that inhabit it and treat the earth with respect...... we are going to DESTROY THIS PLANET. AND. THEY.ARE. GOING. TO. DISAPPEAR. right now, i am pissed off. but there's a fire inside me.... today trump is pausing lifting the ban on elephant trophies because of how many people spoke out against this. and you know what that means? that, no bs, we truly can CHANGE things if we all come together, that no matter who you are, we can contribute our voices, we can steer the future of this planet. because the greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.......let's speak up for these amazing creatures ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊??


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