ドメン・スコフィッチのインスタグラム(domen_skofic) - 11月14日 16時16分

The home world cup was once again spectacular! It’s always a goal reached just to get the ticket for the Sunday evening final. I felt great the whole weekend and for the first time since my first world cup here in 2010 I was totally relaxed in front of the home crowd and could really enjoy every moment... but just a little bit of bitterness remains as I know I had much more to give after I hit that volume with my elbow in the last roof and finishing the comp with another 4th place. On the end of the day the only guy who didn’t do any mistakes or let’s just say was to strong to bother with them was @ヤコブ・シューベルト! A well deserved win buddy! ??
... And then there’s my champion girlfriend @ヤンヤ・ガンブレット Astonished by what all she achieved in such a short career. I have to say that what she does is out of this world and even though we live a life together for quite a while already I’m like every one of you, trying to understand where all this energy and fearlessness comes from. ?
Such an honor that I can be there for her! ❤️ ? by Stanko Gruden

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