ウィリアム(ケンブリッジ公)のインスタグラム(princeandprincessofwales) - 11月14日 07時43分

Prince Harry tonight attended the Mind Media Awards, which celebrate the very best portrayals and reporting of mental health challenges across the media.
Before presenting the Speaking Out Award to the runners who took part in the BBC ‘Mind Over Marathon’ documentary, HRH said: “After decades of hard work from dedicated campaigners, people seemed ready for a different kind of conversation on mental health. Everyone was tired of stigma and scare stories around mental illness. We were all beginning to grasp that mental fitness was an issue worth talking about, for every one of us. And while just talking doesn’t cure all ills, we are now shattering the silence that was a real barrier to progress. The biggest thanks has to go to the British public. You embraced it, you engaged with it and you normalised it.”


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