ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 11月12日 23時10分

So ... in Cassini's basilica ... here we are, having planned this moment with military precision, watching a number of people milling about, wondering where to look. Yes, the image of the Sun is supposed to hit this line on the floor at midday - but WHERE on the line ? Nobody seems to have a clue. I figure it's almost midwinter, so the Sun is low in the sky, so its image has to fall way back on the line, far from the entrance hole. So we take up a guessed position, but so far, at 11.50am, there is no sign of the Sun. Maybe it's disappeared back into the morning mist. I feel like dear old Sir Patrick Moore, waiting and hoping for a fabulous cosmic event which may be wiped out by a couple of terrestrial clouds. It's 11.54 am. Local astro midday is at 11.58. Can a miracle happen in the next 4 minutes ? If you're viewing this stereo you'll see the people in it have moved around between my two -Phone shots, left and right. So they flash weirdly. Apologies if this hurts your brain. I like because it reminds me how ephemeral we humans are. Cassini's Meridian is kinda eternal. Bri


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