キティ・スペンサーのインスタグラム(kitty.spencer) - 11月12日 20時36分

Today, we remember all those who have sacrificed in the fight for a future of freedom and peace. Thank you to all those who have served and continue to serve. ❤️ @ant.middleton & I are SO proud to be ambassadors for @give_us_time - in my opinion, our service personnel and their families truly represent what is best about Great Britain.
I am in awe of their enduring strength and commitment to our country. I’m deeply thankful for all of our military families – I know their service and sacrifice inspires us all.
We need to be a nation that truly supports our military families, not only now, but in the long term. This is not just a government issue. It is our individual responsibility to not only understand the service and sacrifices of our troops and their families, but to take action and help where we can. This is the future that they deserve.

Let us acknowledge and appreciate the sheer enormity of what they do, today and always. #remembrancesunday #lestweforget


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