instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 11月10日 05時56分

@marcotonettii Every time I look at this shot I ask myself why I didn't post it yet here on Instagram. The fact is that I just don't want to fill my feed with the same location shots.
However, the truth is that I've been told it's always good to share a good Braies shot when you have no time for editing.
So here it is eheh.
What do you guys think about general feed composition rules? Does it makes sense to plan every single shot or you should just post whatever you feel like without bothering too much about it?
#ourplanetdaily #way2ill #moodytoning #themoodoflife #mobilemag #folkscenery #visualsofearth #UrbanAisle #ig_color #ShotzDelight #CreativeOptic #gramslayers
#MoodyGrams #AGameofTones
#awesome_earthpix #artofvisuals
#CreateExplore #visualsoflife
#thevisualscollective #takemoreadventures #goneoutdoors #ourcamplife
#LENSbible #liveoutdoors


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