ポール・ロドリゲスのインスタグラム(prod) - 11月9日 11時12分

The first time I saw @frankyvillani skate was at an Am contest a while ago and he did a big spin Bennett grind down a hubba; I thought that was a really cool trick, he really caught my eye. A bit later @シェーン・オニール had mentioned him to me and he said Franky was one of the best people he’d seen skate in person, so I kept my eye on him and I’ve always been hyped on everything that he’s put out. Having skated with him in person now, I can tell you that Shane was right, Franky is the quintessential modern skateboarder who can skate any spot that you take him to and he’ll have a lot of fun doing it, so it is with great pleasure that I can welcome Franky to the @primitiveskate team. ? & ? @kevperez


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




