サマンサ・ドロークのインスタグラム(samanthadroke) - 11月9日 02時56分

So I talked to a 13 year old girl this week and it really broke my heart. She was so stressed with life and so urgent to find her purpose. She was comparing her life with celebrities and her friends. She was stressed with figuring out her future right this moment. And she was stressed with not being good enough!? She’s 13...13! - If I can say anything to all of you teens out there right now.▪️Your worth is NOT based off the amount of likes and followers you have or what you do for a living. ▪️Famous people are just people. Just like you, they have the same struggles, maybe even more!?▪️Instagram is NOT real! No one is going to post their bad stuff! You’re comparing your life with someone else’s highlight reel. STOP! ❤️ You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. You were made to be YOU! Stop waisting time trying to be someone else, find what YOU are passionate about and do it! Stay in your lane, put up the blinders and run your race, not someone else’s! If you don’t know what YOUR thing is, have patience, try new things, and be easy on yourself. You are doing a great job! Enjoy YOUR life! I love you ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



