ケリー・ラザフォードのインスタグラム(kellyrutherford) - 11月6日 20時14分

49 today! Really? I keep telling my kids I want to be just like them when I grow up. And it’s the truth! At what point do you feel like a grown up? I have a lot of friends that act like grown ups. I act like one too just because it seems like the thing to do. Do we ever have all of the answers? We just keep learning. I am learning to love everything. It’s a practice and a state of being. Being kind to myself. So I can be kind to others. Noticing what is good in each situation . It’s all a practice. Kids... your parents do not have all of the answers. They have just been on the planet longer and have learned how to act like adults. There is so much magic and wonder all around. Humor , love , kindness. Healing. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Sending you love beyond measure today and everyday. Thank you for the birthday wishes. My heart is so happy and full of gratitude for the love, support and light you shine in my life. Thank you thank you thank you❤️


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