ベイリー・マディソンのインスタグラム(baileemadison) - 11月6日 09時36分

As the noon service for @radiuschurchla closed up with our typical time of worship, an announcement was made to us about the news of Texas, where a gunman entered a church, and killed 27 and counting:
Some fell to knees, some held on to others and some were simply frozen by the news. We began to sing another verse, this time with a heavier purpose. I took this video during that time to show that as a church in Texas aches, a church in LA sings loud and prays hard for them.
I'll close this post, with a bible verse that was actually displayed on the screen before the news broke. That read: "I will build my church, and the gates of hades will not overcome it" Matthew 16:18
There will always be evil in the world but what we do together in the face of these travesties represent who we are.


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