タミン・サーソクのインスタグラム(tamminsursok) - 11月1日 06時44分

I wrote an article called THE ILLUSION OF PERMANENCE on my blog @bottleandheels. Link in the bio. Here is a snippet. "Her dirty blonde ringlets cascade down her flawless face. She purrs as she slips into her colorful sleep, dreaming of innocence. Her body curled like a baby cub, unformed and yet fearless. She smells like rain. She is a little girl, and I see the ruminates of my baby starting to slip away.
I never really though about magnitude of time until she was born. In my past, I would squander weeks and months without a marker to show where I had been. Ignorantly believing that I was impervious to it. Now every inch of her is an indication of time’s punishing truth and how fast it’s diminishing." READ THE REST IN THE LINK IN BIO☝?

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