ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 10月28日 01時15分

Shit happens. Life throws curveballs and rearranges your schedule. First, I was sick and then Kiddo. Then I started shooting 10 hour days. Now there's a fire near kiddo's school so school is closed 😳😱😰And I have to work today with no sitter.
Ok stress. Calm down. #momlife .
It's safe to say that going to the gym has been hard. Sooooo working out at home has become pretty common lately. I don't have all the weights or machines but I've pretty much narrowed down / bought what works for me and most I can actually travel with.
I HAVE to work out because I feel better. Physically and mentally. No matter what the day brings, I choose to feel good. To feel better.
Especially on days I can't control / may feel chaotic.
Some fun essentials that I've recently added are my essential oils aroma therapy diffuser (I like lemon and orange while working out), my acupressure mat for after my workout and listening to podcasts. Yesterday was @andyfrisella 's no bullshit motivational podcast on "Talent VS Choice". I ALWAYS use my resistance bands, kettlebell, free weights and resistance ropes for my door. My @1stphorm daily = Full Omega, M factor Goddess and Royal 21 queen for energy and to help minimize hormonal craziness.
Life is going to keep comin at ya allllll different kind of ways but how we handle it is all that matters ❤️


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