オリビア・カルポのインスタグラム(oliviaculpo) - 10月25日 10時51分

Rock-Paper-Scissors Children's Fund is a U.S.-based non-profit dedicated to helping Vietnamese children and families in need. My mom and sister volunteered with them this summer teaching music and arts in rural areas where this type of education is nonexistent. (Thats my cute precious mom playing in the last video here!!) The nonprofit also passes out reading glasses to older men and woman, they donate bicycles to girls who otherwise would have to walk miles just to attend school each day, they run summer camps, pass out food and so much more. From the US, @Auroraculpo supports a young boy to attend middle school and high school who otherwise would be forced to work in the fields to support his family. As an ethnic minority in Vietnam, most children his age won't attend school past 5th grade. Please click the link in my bio to read about the many ways this organization supports the less fortunate of vietnam. Donate and specify where you want your money to be used! Also @rockpaperscissorschildrensfund to see all the amazing work this organization does for the impoverished families and children of this society ❤️


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
Sarah Kohanさんがフォロー

