アナリン・マッコードのインスタグラム(theannalynnemccord) - 10月24日 08時57分

My hero being the badass that she is. My big sis @othermccordgirl is the rainbow in my clouded sky, the star light when night decides to fall. She is the Silent Guardian who’s always looking out. She’s the one who’s gone before and has somehow still managed to follow after throughout my entire life. I have never felt more accepted, more loved, more appreciated, more valued, more protected, more cared for, more challenged, more respected, more adored than I do when I’m in her presence. Her name is Angel and she lives up to that name in every possible way. The truest love of my life in this lifetime and the next. My sister and my best friend. Humbled to call you mine. Hope you feel the depths of my infinite love for you, Angie. You’re my world.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



