unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 10月21日 05時09分

Rohingya children arriving in the camps have endured long and dangerous journeys. Many have witnessed violence and lost family members. Highly traumatised, they are arriving malnourished and injured after walking for days to the safety of Bangladesh. That evening I saw the children who drowned on their boat journey got me really upset. It happened pretty close to the shore. How many boats didn’t make it that night in the storm? We’ll never know. On the flipside, I have met some amazing characters. Robust characters starting to set up businesses, managing to support families, coming together as a community. Starting to gather the pieces of their past existence and make the best of what they have. They have dreams, aspirations. (4/4 of Patrick Brown's #InstagramTakeover) © UNICEF/UN0135700/Brown #ChildrenUnderAttack


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