ショウン・トンプソンのインスタグラム(shaunt) - 10月17日 10時02分

**OUR REVEAL** As you know @scottphotobombs and I shared some incredible news with you guys this weekend and we’re so incredibly thankful for your support and well wishes. This has been a long journey not just for Scott and I, but also for our families. After 5 years, back in August, we finally were able to tell our families that our family was growing!!! It was such a surreal moment, finally being able to share the best news with our closest family. We want to send positive energy to everyone out there that has been through the same struggle and encourage you to NEVER GIVE UP. You were with us every step of the way, even when you didn’t know it and we can’t wait to take on the next chapter with you guys!!! ❤️❤️❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



