トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 10月16日 03時33分

@babarpeerzada told me that we had a lot in common. He told me we had similar deep raspy voices and wild whims. That we both worshiped the theatre like some people do the house of God. That you had a sense of humor that poked like a fire brand in peoples side, and made people double over and hold their stomachs. He told me we were similar and that would make me love you. (Usually that means I wouldn’t) but then he put us across the table from each other. Not only were you are even smarter, even funnier, even more beautiful and more wonderful than he ever said, but (and this is a rare admission) he was right. I loved you from the start. Happy birthday darlin. Thank god that doofus put us in the same room. Xx


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