ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 10月15日 17時55分

I believe that it all starts & stops with ourselves. The ability that I have to love & accept another is directly and deeply connected to the ability I have to love & accept myself. My happiness is mine to own. My sadness, anger & insecurity are mine alone. I aim to take complete ownership of my inner and outer life. I aspire to love myself so fiercely, that I am, therefore, opened up to unconditionally love and accept those in my world ? I do not want to bear judgement - I desire to live in thoughtful discernment. I believe, with all my heart, that like attracts like and so .... I aspire to start by loving myself & my life fiercely ❤️⚡️from there, it's ALL possible because love abounds ✨AND because I choose to own my life and all that it entails. So fun, so good. (@rebelthriver ?) Paris has me ?????? I am so grateful & ❤️ful


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