ヘイリー・キヨコのインスタグラム(hayleykiyoko) - 10月13日 02時22分

My dad which we’ve been calling ‘Tinman’ needed a heart and a liver transplant. Waiting for an organ donor was the most stressful/emotional experience of our lives. Not knowing what the outcome would be. After being in the hospital for 71 Days, he finally got the call. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for the donor who saved his life. And to all of the nurses, doctors and surgeons at Cedars Sinai. That hospital is incredible. I could scream and shout from the bottom of my soul. I wasn’t planning on sharing this part of my life with you but I strongly urge all of you to become organ donors if you aren’t already. Especially if you are O+. So many people are in need. A stranger saved my dad’s and now I get to hold onto him longer. I’m so proud of you Dad. I am forever grateful. ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



