のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 10月11日 20時32分

【Swipe for recipe】Today's #lazymamacookinghack: Garlic Butter Salmon Rice, Daikon Steak, Ebi Mayo Broccoli and Hokkaido Melon. ?
1.Garlic Butter Salmon Rice - mix a spoon of barley (optional), add water, 1 tablespoon of shoyu, sake, butter, and minced garlic (I use granules, super convenient), and sliced salmon to rice in rice cooker, cook as usual. It's ready in 1 hour! Garnish with Shiso leaves.
2. Daikon Steak - slice daikon, stab it all over with a fork, add a pinch of rice (important! It will bring out the sweetness of daikon), add water and microwave for 6 minutes in a heat-safe container . Pat it dry and coat it lightly with flour, and pan-fry in olive oil. Add Yakiniku sauce before turning the heat off. Super yummy!
3. Ebi Mayo Broccoli - simply fry shrimps and broccoli (microwaved for 40 seconds) with mayo or if you like, mentaiko mayo.
4. Hokkaido Melon - cut and enjoy hehehe.?
Salmon is a staple in our home but the kids didn't really like the chunky/dry texture of it so cooking it together with rice makes it super easy to eat!


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