キャロリン・マーフィーのインスタグラム(carolynmurphy) - 10月7日 04時55分

Flashback to when @Vogue published my sweet LA abode (see PHOTO GALLERY). This house had the solid bones of a 1930's Spanish Colonial but my vision was French Country. The decor overhaul began with using reclaimed oak floors from an old barn, antique tiles and using stone feeding trophs as sinks- all from France. I converted the yard to natural ground cover, loads of lavender and decomposed granite to conserve water, and invite bees to help pollinate the potager veggie garden (which my chickens thought was theirs). The interior design with my dear friend @schuylersamperton was our second project together, and this time we explored the feminine touches through vintage fabric patterns, oil paintings and foraged flora from @louesaroebuck. This house will always be a favorite 🌸#interiordesign #fbf


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