シェイリーン・ウッドリーのインスタグラム(shailenewoodley) - 10月6日 09時59分

cause amidst all the chaos and the turbulence in the world at the moment, we must remember to be joy. no matter how fleeting, no matter how difficult, no matter how painful, find a way today to make yourself laugh. in our laughter, we give way to more love. and with expanded love, we offer the world peace and kindness in our daily interactions. which opens doors to profound healing and compassionate companionship within our communities. this is how we will change things and overcome these tragedies. first, by TAKING ACTION, donating, lending a physical hand. and then, by cultivating our own joy to override collective fear, and using that joy to shift paradigms, extend hands, provide shelter to all of our neighbors.


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Elsie Hewittのインスタグラム
Elsie Hewittさんがフォロー
