アカデミー賞のインスタグラム(theacademy) - 10月6日 04時30分

In 2011, James Earl Jones received an honorary Oscar for his excellence and versatility. During his acceptance speech, which he delivered from London, he recalled his first encounter with film: "Four years old, sitting on a bench in the dark in Mississippi. Two storekeepers have taken a bedsheet and stretched it between their stores. One sells popcorn, the other sells soda pop. Is that familiar? And when those images start emitting sound on that bedsheet, and the shootouts and the fisticuffs start, I simply can't handle it. And I dive under the bench in terror, begging, screaming, 'Make 'em stop! Somebody make 'em stop doing that.' Well, I can't make 'em stop so eventually I joined them."


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