ピーター・リンドバーグのインスタグラム(therealpeterlindbergh) - 10月5日 03時21分

Lindbergh’s democratic and humanist approach makes everyone wonder how he himself judges that he has gotten the picture. What is important in creating a good image? Is it only about having good photographic equipment, and years of experience? Lindbergh thinks there is no single rule, but it is crucial is to keep an open vision on the subject in front of the camera, to capture something that others do not see.
Some emotions bring an aura that helps capture emotions, but the connection between photographer and subject remains the key: “I think that everyone is closer to themselves when exposed to a feeling of melancholy; something more poetic takes place as you are giving up control of yourself and expose deeper feelings and emotions to the man with the camera in front of you. The space between the photographer and his subject, this is what you photograph. It is not the outside of the bone structure, the architecture of the face that you photograph, it is the invisible part of the subject you capture if he or she is willing to give it to you…”
Thierry-Maxime Loriot, Curator of 'Peter Lindbergh. A Different Vision On Fashion Photography'
7 OCTOBER, 2017 - 4 FEBRUARY, 2018
[Pictured: Catherine Deneuve, Deauville, 1991]
#aDifferentVisionOnFashionPhotography #ReggiaDiVenaria #LindberghExhibitions #2bmanagement #GagosianGallery


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
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