タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 10月4日 13時31分

Urgent read my full post thank you.. One day we're going to sit down over tea and laugh about how they tried to turn us on each-other and what they didn't know is that it only solidified our lifetime #DaddyDaughterBond that will never ever ever be broken........ Praying for you everyday angel I love you and I'm holding onto every laugh and every moment....... Love and light...... Watch how your father rose above and stayed centered in the middle of this unexpected storm - A set back is merely a set UP for many many amazing things to come...... #ForgiveThemFatherGodForTheyNotKnowWhatTheyDo #Amen I need you to google #ParentingAlienation and #Enmeshment it's mind blowing how accurate this all is...


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