パンプキンのインスタグラム(pumpkintheraccoon) - 10月3日 23時07分

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUMPKIN! ❤️?Today this little lady is 3! Pumps makes us laugh on a daily basis and I love that I have a space to share her daily antics with you. Lately it seems that all you hear when you turn on the TV is pain, suffering, or hate, whether it is from natural disasters, war zones, or cowardly acts of terror. I hope that our little page can give you a glimpse of something safe and kind, letting you forget about your worries even if it is it for just a second. Our journey on Instagram started as a way to share with friends and family her progress but now her platform, for me, shares a simple but important message... no matter how different we may seem at the end of the day we aren't so different after all. Sending so much love to you, Pumpkin's amazing fans! Peace and Love, Team Pumps ?❤️?xox (P.S. Yes that is an almond avocado cupcake!)


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