トニ・ガーンのインスタグラム(tonigarrn) - 10月3日 02時09分

All these shooting massacres make me so sick to my stomach. The thought of one person having the power to end huge groups of people's lives with just the click of a button, simply because they feel like it, is beyond my comprehension. Of all the horrifying tragedies going on in the world we live in today (from the natural disasters to wars), gun violence is the most disgusting, cruel and dumb reason anyone should have to lose their life. A gun kills. How can it be part of a "culture?" It was invented only to kill, not to protect. I will never understand why Americans feel they need guns to protect themselves. People have mental illnesses, yes, but that's the case all over the world. The more guns are around, the higher the number of fatal "accidents." Look at the numbers. This is an issue it's time to end. #prayforvegas #guncontrolnow

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