ジェローム・ジャールのインスタグラム(jeromejarre) - 9月27日 04時55分

Dear young people, if we we are not satisfied with how this world is becoming then it's our time to stand up, it's our time to say enough, and thank you very much old system for your work but you are DONE, you are EXPIRED. It's over. WE ARE TAKING THE KEYS. And we are going to make this world a masterpiece. Because we can. Because we are not cynical and sad and pessimistic and hateful. We don't buy in the division tactics. We are LOVE. Not a passive kind of Love but the most POWERFUL KIND OF LOVE. Love is ACTION. In fact WE ARE LOVE so much that we are not going to fight with the people keeping the old system in place, instead we are going to invite them to our new world, if they are willing to SEAT DOWN AND BE HUMBLE. There is no time to be hateful and divisive. Division is the old world. UNITY WILL BE OUR NEW WORLD. And all our efforts should be in building this new reality #LoveArmy ❤️💪🏾💪🔥


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




