マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 9月27日 00時48分

In case anyone needs a good laugh today.... :,) Legs pls Ass pls Seizure lifting pls. But in all seriousness, this just shows what time and effort can do. I did not start “already good”. I was not built for this sport by any means (5’7” 123lbs in this vid ok alright ok). I was not graceful, powerful, not even fully mobile in the right places even though I was a gymnast. I was so uncomfortable & awkward under the bar like everyone else in the beginning. I got pinned at the bottom of cleans daily for the first FEW YEARS. But I did and continue to put forth all of my effort. Never underestimate what raw, dedicated hard fucking work can do. #EarnedNotGiven
#Repost @camargo_oly (@get_repost)
Everyone was a beginner at some point. @mattiecakesssss at what was her PR C+J 4 years ago (17 years old), learning from scratch. We've come a long way. @olyconcepts @usa_weightlifting #rookie #babylegs #bambilegs #patience #takestime #cantrushprogress #nothinghappensovernight #coaching #ilovemyjob #coachingisaprofession #teamusa #athletes #dialin #beattentivecoach #athletescomefirst #dowhatyoulove #snatch #clean #jerk #olympiclifting #barbell #theoldgym


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