サッシャ・ディギーリアンのインスタグラム(sashadigiulian) - 9月26日 03時44分

Climbing is technically illegal in Cuba. The government may not necessarily care if people are out “trekking,” which is how climbing is categorized, but it sets limitations on the market that seriously inhibit the sport’s growth and any ability to bolster youth involvement. Cubans who want to compete internationally have no governing platform to do so. There’s no national team and no foundation to raise funding or awareness for emerging talent.
Last Spring I went to Cuba with a couple of friends, in collaboration with the government, to explore undiscovered areas and to make efforts towards legalizing our sport. We found that the potential for climbing in Cuba is vast, with only a small fraction of the surface being scratched. A wide diversity of angled walls includes completely inverted roofs, vertical faces, and slabs. All of the rock is limestone, and a large majority of it is really strong. For more information, click on the link in my profile on my article I wrote for @ナショナルジオグラフィック


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