Acacia Brinleyのインスタグラム(acaciakersey) - 9月25日 05時26分

When people (moms) hear the term 'Super Mom' they automatically assume it's a mom who is completely unstoppable and can do everything and anything all the time. For me, that's not the case. Being a super mom entails knowing your limits and knowing when to take care of yourself. It's realizing you can't do everything and that you're human. It's understanding that your happiness and mental state is worth so much more than you know. If you're sacrificing your mental health, it's not helping anyone. To all my fellow moms out there, do the best you can. Remember that your happiness is important, your sanity is important, and most of all, that YOU are important. Try not to doubt your strength. Super Moms (and dads) are human not super human. ❤️


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