イスクラ・ローレンスのインスタグラム(iskra) - 9月23日 08時46分

Hey body parts, I know in the past we didn't understand or love each other but please forgive me.
I was brainwashed by societal ideals and the medias expectations of perfection.
When I looked at you all I saw was the imperfections I had been taught to see, using descriptors of shame and hate because that's what I read and heard other women say to themselves.
How was I meant to love my cellulite🐯⚡️🕷veins , breakouts or fat when I'd been told these things were "problem areas", "flaws" and things to be ashamed of.
Well don't worry body cuz I see through all that BS 💩now.
And I see you for all that you do for me, you're my Hero.
Without you I'd have no home, no identity, no vessel to live out this beautiful life in.
So thank you for being imperfectly perfect, one of a kind and all mine.
#workingwithglossier #andlovingit thank u for this magical glowy lotion @Glossier making #BodyHero such an empowering campaign🙏
#nomorebodyBS #noretouching #nophotoshop #ourbodiesourmagical
Ps I am fully aware of my many privileges, and yes models have eating disorders, body image issues and insecurities many humans do because of diet culture. EDs and mental health do NOT discriminate. Anyway who is still struggling you are not alone please contact @neda they have a helpline and also online screen toppings x


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