コーディー・レニー・キャメロンのインスタグラム(heyitscodee) - 9月21日 17時29分

I can't speak for every girl or human but for myself, this picture touches me so deeply, because it encapsulates feelings so deeply rooted in my societal trained human nature: judgement, doubt, self-loathing....am I enough? For myself, for my parents, for my partner, for my job, for the people of the internet? Hello, are you in there, Soul?! Or has all the reality tv & dirty politics & cheap fast food I consume calcified you?! Have I lost you to the deep-rooted, systematic hate that pulses through the veins of society? My heart hurts...Is the organ that pumps life into my tiny capillaries, so over-funded with capitalism, spread throughout my porcelain skin, too rotted out for recovery? Every breath that fills my lungs so dense with disease & belabored with the smog of injustice & judgement....Maybe we can all take a lesson from the Wizard of Oz & fight back for our brains, our courage, & our hearts....& always remember that we are one & that there is truly no place like home...and that Home is Us. To every little girl, little boy, little human, do not waste time looking down at your body in disgust, but instead turn your thoughts inside to your soul & focus your efforts on making your existence in this world as beautiful as possible. Our time on this planet is only temporary-- make it count <3
? @eyeandeyephoto


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




