キラ・サントーロのインスタグラム(kyrasantoro) - 9月21日 05時09分

Before reading this please understand that it was very hard for me to write and share with the world. I'm very private about my personal life, but I'm hoping my words can help someone out there going through a difficult time. A few weeks ago my dad got diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and the doctors say there's nothing that can be done because it's too far along. It has been an extremely difficult time for my family with a roller coaster of emotions. The entire experience has really opened my eyes and made me realize how precious life is and not to take it for granted. You do not know when it's someone's last day on earth so treat the people around you with love and kindness. Don't be a bully- even if someone appears to be the happiest one in the room they can be carrying something very heavy that you know nothing about. If you have bad blood with someone let that shit go, it's not even worth it. Tell the people who matter most to you how much you appreciate and care about them every chance you get. Life can deal you some bad cards and you never know what you're gonna get or when...so do your best every day and try to be compassionate to others? #fuckcancer


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