モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 9月10日 23時50分

"how many killer hurricanes will it take before America gets serious about global warming?"- Mark Hersgaard in 2005, after Katrina. And no, #climatechange doesn't cause hurricanes, it just makes them stronger, bigger, and more deadly. And yes, @ドナルド・トランプ and the @gop have an abysmal record on #climatechange , pretending in the face of all science that it doesn't exist. But the role of animal agriculture in climate change is something that almost no one is willing to look at. Even al gore called it, 'too inconvenient of a truth for most people'. Simply: animal agriculture is the cause of 40% of climate change. Direct methane emissions from the 100 billion livestock animals on the planet, but also the oil and gas used to feed and heat and cool livestock, the role of animal agriculture in rainforest deforestation(90% of which is the result of animal agriculture), and the role of animal agriculture in ocean acidification(50%). Talking about climate change and not mentioning animal agriculture is like talking about lung cancer and not mentioning cigarette smoking. It's so simple , you want to end anthropogenic climate change? Stop using petroleum products, and stop using animals for food.


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