ジャニュアリー・ジョーンズのインスタグラム(januaryjones) - 9月9日 12時57分

?Today I realized that the current state of the world is exactly like Ghostbusters 2. Remember how everyone's anger and hatred and frustration and fear made Vigo the Carpathian come alive in that painting and he was gonna use that hate and fear to rule the world and then all that pink slime under the ground was breaking the earth and making it so babies couldn't even take a damn bath?! Well I humbly suggest that we all choose a song we love, (maybe Tears for Fears' "Sewing the Seeds of Love"?), and we all sing it together at the same time and love that about ourselves cause we're so damn cute and then maybe the slime will become happy and the earth will quiet down and Trump will be back in his painting and the Statue of Liberty will dance! Is it a plan?! Who's with me?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



