クリスティ・ブリンクリーのインスタグラム(christiebrinkley) - 9月8日 04時33分

?( sound on) I write this as the worst storm in recorded history takes aim at our beloved Turks & Caicos after ripping apart some of the most beautiful islands in the world. After watching the last unprecedented storm render thousands homeless in Houston , as two more hurricanes take aim at the Caribbean ! As the Wild West burns and blankets the US in smoke. We see the power of the wind before us! The wind can rip our homes off their foundation but we can also harness the wind to power us into a clean and safer future! And It's renewable, its there for our taking! There is a silver lining to every storm if we are willing to learn the lessons.. We must embrace a clean green future if we want to avoid the devastating catastrophic consequences of relying on fossil fuels. Our children's and grandchildrens destiny is in our hands! Let's Break the grip of greed that allows few to prosper at our expense. and let's harness our natural resources for a safer tomorrow! Wish wishes for the best outcome possible for all in irmas destructive path ? #turk&caicos #parrotcay #luckyhouse #renewableenergy #gogreen


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