パンプキンのインスタグラム(pumpkintheraccoon) - 9月7日 21時03分

?"Go away Irma!" ??
As we brace for Hurricane Irma here in our beautiful Bahamas we are sending so much love to our fellow islanders that have been affected by this storm's powerful and brutal force. Please prepare now and take a look at this message from @baarkbahamas "To all those in the Bahamas who will very likely be affected by the storm, PLEASE bring your dogs and cats INSIDE but at the very least please untie or unchain your animals! It is much safer for them to be free and seek shelter. Animals can find places to hide but not if they are chained!" Please stay safe and prepare my Bahama land! We will be signing off until the storm has passed! Love Team Pumps ??❤️ xo #hurricaneirma

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